First of all, it just makes sense. Massage therapy during pregnancy is appropriate for tight muscles that are in partial spasm and are producing aching (or sometimes sharp) pain. Stiffness is often present as well.
What pregnant woman doesn't experience this at some point? The muscles are fatigued from working harder while carrying more weight in increasingly awkward positions. And if you have a history of musculoskeletal pain before becoming pregnant, you are more likely to have it during those 9 months.
Massage during pregnancy is performed mostly in the side lying position with the use of supporting pillows.
Is it worth the time and trouble to go to a massage therapist during pregnancy?
Absolutely. Massage relieves pain and stiffness. It is a natural healthcare method which relieves the effects of stress and promotes relaxation. Massage makes life easier during daily activities, but it also:
1) Prepares the pelvis for an easier pregnancy and birth with better muscle tone
2) Decreases abnormal tension of the muscles supporting the uterus which can cause problems such as abnormal fetal position at birth - especially important if you feel pulling or straining in the abdomen while stretching
3) Minimizes likelihood of medical intervention with drugs and surgery
Massage during pregnancy is helpful for most women, it is effective at making life easier while pregnant, including making delivery safer.
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