Indigestion During pregnancy

Indigestion during pregnancy can't totally be avoided. As painful and as uncomfortable as it is to deal with, there are so many causes of indigestion for pregnant mothers. In addition, it is natural for a mother to feel this kind of discomfort during the conception period, more especially during the late trimesters of pregnancy.

Indigestion during pregnacy

A common condition among mothers, indigestion is often undiagnosed and mistreated. Due to the lack of awareness among the community of how to properly deal with this condition, mothers who are undergoing first-time pregnancy often have no one to turn to. They instead try to endure the discomfort until it passes, which it usually does after a time.

However, when indigestion during pregnancy is left untreated, it can become worse over time. At first, one or two of the following symptoms may be present. In the later stages and if recurrence is frequent, all of the symptoms can be seen in the pregnant mom. Among the symptoms are heartburn, pain in the upper and lower chest, pain in the upper abdomen, bloating, sense of fullness, burping, flatulence, diarrhea and nausea. Although diarrhea is less common, it's a strong indicator that something is not working right in the digestive system.

The primary cause of indigestion during pregnancy is purely hormonal. During pregnancy, the body releases extra hormones to soften the muscles in the stomach. This is necessary for the mother's belly to be flexible and accommodate a child. Indigestion among mothers is caused by this hormonal change.

The extra hormones make pregnancy less painful for the mother. Ironically, these hormones also make the acids in the stomach to rise up the esophagus, causing heartburn and indigestion. This is more common among mothers in their second and third trimesters. Another possible cause is the size of the growing fetus inside the mother. The size pushes the contents of the stomachs farther upward, making it less convenient for the metabolic system. Eating too fast and overeating can lead to indigestion. Take note that all other causes of indigestion apply to pregnant mothers, as well. For instance, changes in eating habits can cause this problem.

The most server cases are often accompanied by digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea and IBS. Irritable bowel syndrome, especially the part where the mother becomes constipated, can lead to serious complications when left untreated. For instance, diarrhea can lead to dehydration and constipation can lead to fecal impaction. Dehydration during pregnancy is very risky for both the mother and the child. Surgical removal of the impacted mass after extended periods of constipation is unquestionably dangerous for the baby.

Enjoy Intimacy During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the fear of harming the baby with the penetration is one of the main myths that affect the sexual life; however, when there are medical obstacles to sustain intimate encounters, they may occur, as well as producing pleasure and security to the mom, to prepare you for childbirth. So take note of the following recommendations to continue enjoying sex in this period.

Before going in search of pleasure...Most of the time sex during pregnancy is certain, however, it is essential to consult a gynecologist if:
* There is a history of abortion.
* There multiple pregnancy.
* Abnormalities were detected in the placenta.
* There may be premature.
* There is vaginal bleeding (in this case requires urgent medical attention).

The health professional will determine how useful is to hold intimate encounters. In this regard, it should be noted that prenatal care ensures the health of the baby and the mother.

1. Know your body. "Due to hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, sexual relations in this period are usually more enjoyable when there is no pregnancy"

If this view will surprise you, know that between the physical changes that contribute to greater enjoyment in intercourse is included abundant flow of blood to the genital area, which allows the vulva to widen more than usual and, therefore, that increase the feeling of pleasure.

2. Enjoy the sex itself. Some couples postpone parenthood, pregnancy and others are looking for a long time, but in both cases the sex is valued for their reproductive function. However, now that you and your partner expect baby are ready to enjoy sex for itself, which can provoke feelings, so relax and "let yourself go."

3. Find an ally. For many women, being pregnant means being less attractive, however, should know that although your body does not look like before they can be subjected to sexual desire, because many men are attracted to pregnant women, either by their voluptuous forms or because they seek to demonstrate their affection for the woman who will give a child. So to "keep the flame burning", look in the mirror as an ally that reflects how beautiful and sexy you are.

4. Say what you feel. Female sexuality may seem disconcerting during pregnancy, however, frequent nausea and breast pain in early pregnancy to justify the reduction of sexual desire. It is therefore important that you speak of these changes with your partner and understand that the situation will improve when the pains begin to yield.

5. Forget the myths. The penetration poses no risk to the small, because the uterus is sealed by a mucus plug (mucus) that occupies the cervical canal and keeps it safe, the amniotic fluid also absorbs impacts that could be exposed, so you receive only mild pelvic contractions characteristic of orgasm (to feel more secure about it, listen to expert opinion).

6. Take care positions. Now that your body is changing, notice that it is necessary to modify the positions in which you used to have sex. Each couple will find one that is most comfortable and adapted according to the stages of pregnancy. The important thing is to use imagination and ensure that no undue pressure on the belly. In this regard, it should be mentioned that the penetration depth or violent is not recommended, as this may cause you pain.

To make this experience more enjoyable, you can use pillows to provide support and comfort during first trimester

7. Create the right environment to have romantic encounters. Remember that sexual desire is borne in mind; prepare dinner for two, seductive details like candles and daring notes. Imagination is your limit for pleasure, there must be no penetration, and you can achieve your sexual satisfaction through games and caresses.

In short, there is no fear of sex during this time, as the orgasm can help the process of delivery. In fact, when the birth is delayed, often couples have sex to induce, because semen contains prostaglandin, a chemical messenger that helps soften and dilate the cervix in preparation for labor, in addition, stimulation of nipples may also promote the release of oxytocin, a hormone that causes contractions.

Birth Control Information

Both males and females should take care about the Birth Control as they take responsibility to become parents. If they don't want to take care of their newly born child then they should go for methods of birth control which is must for everyone as they only want to enjoy the sex. In the world millions of people reported about unplanned pregnancies in every year. The reason is because the couples do not use any birth control method and most of them they get fail to use these methods correctly.

To know about Birth Control, this should be first need of women. The unplanned pregnancy may be harmful as you don't want you can be mentally disorder. But, all things has alternative if you about these things. You can consult with your doctor as each method of birth control has its own pros and cons. You can choose as which one you like most.

All the methods of birth control have their own advantages and disadvantages, so you should get knowledge about all these. The best method of birth control, you always prevent pregnancy all the time. Generally females have of the following reasons to get pregnant:

• When the semen released around the woman vagina and female gets semen when they inside penis or just around her vagina that cause may be generate the sperm. And also pre cum that leak out of the man's erect penis can cause of generate the sperm means pregnancy.

• You should flow the plan of Birth Control before you start. These methods are the best to take the advice of the doctor with knowing about their pros and cons.

• If you know about all the methods then you can be 100% safe from pregnant.

• There is no best method. All methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. As no method prevents pregnancy all the time but that can be a chance to be pregnant.

Embarrassing Pregnancy Sex Questions

You may have questions about sex during pregnancy, and chances are some sex questions may be embarrassing. From positions to sex toys and whether it’s even safe to go anywhere down there, if you have embarrassing pregnancy sex questions, we have answers.

1. Can intercourse hurt the baby?
"Intercourse has not been associated with harmful effects on the baby or the pregnancy," says Swartz. "To protect the baby, there is amniotic fluid and strong uterine muscles around the baby and a mucus plug that blocks the cervix." However, sometimes providers will put moms on pelvic rest to protect the pregnancy, Swartz explains. "This means that intercourse or penetration should be avoided. Examples include threatened miscarriage, placenta or vasa previa, premature rupture of membranes, threatened preterm labor and vaginal bleeding in pregnancy. Without these pregnancy complications, intercourse and penetration are safe."

2. Can I use a vibrator during pregnancy?
"Vibrator use is safe in pregnancy, except when used inside the vagina when a woman's provider has ordered pelvic rest or if it is not properly cleaned, putting a woman at risk for infections when used inside the vagina. The vibration may stimulate the baby, but not in an unsafe way. You may feel your baby moving more and if you could count the baby's heart rate, it would likely have accelerations, or short term increases in rate. Both are signs that your baby is healthy."

3. Is receiving oral sex safe during pregnancy?
"Oral sex is safe during pregnancy," says Swartz. "There have been published cases where air has entered a woman's blood vessel when her partner blew air into her vagina during oral sex -- an air embolism -- but you have to keep in mind that those are rare cases. If you are worried, you don't have to avoid oral sex altogether, just avoid blowing air forcibly into the vagina."

4. How much will things change "down there" during pregnancy?
"As pregnancy enters the third trimester, the baby lowers into the pelvis," explains Swartz. "This can be associated with increased pressure, pain deep in the vagina, a pinching sensation and limited penetration for male partners. In addition, there is increased pelvic congestion, adding some discomfort and which may affect a woman's orgasm. That being said, some women enjoy sex more while pregnant. My best advice is to try it and let your body guide you if you feel any discomfort."

5. Are certain sex positions more comfortable during pregnancy, especially during the third trimester?
"Most women prefer a side-by-side approach to intercourse in the third trimester," Swartz explains. "This can be achieved with their partner in the front or behind them in a spooning position. Having the woman on top may also be comfortable. Again, let your body be your guide to what is comfortable and pleasurable for you and your partner."

Weight Training Throughout Pregnancy

There was a time when it was considered that pregnant women required plenty of bed rest with as little movement as possible and any form of exercise, even walking, was seen as the ultimate sin. However, nowadays, it has been shown that exercise, such as weight training, can actually be beneficial to both mother and child.

In this article, we will be discussing a few safe weight training methods you can use during your pregnancy to sculpt your body and stay fit.

One thing you should always watch for during your pregnancy is your breathing, irrespective of the type of exercise you are doing. This is extremely important when you are pregnant, even if it does bare remembering at other times too. First off, you should avoid intense exercise that leaves you out of breath. This means it's best to limit cardio exercises to moderate levels and lift lighter weights than you can handle. If you are breathing too hard, this can lead to undue pressure on your abdominal area and restrict the oxygen flow to the fetus. At this time, your goal should only be to stay fit and not improve your aerobic capacity. You need to avoid doing too much and straining yourself and the general rule is to ensure that your breathing is level when you exercise.

Exercise can be very beneficial during pregnancy but there are certain movements and positions to avoid. Don't do exercises that require you to bend from the hips and don't lift weights over your head. Don't do over head presses, for example, if you're lifting weights while pregnant. You should also avoid doing exercises that target the abdominal region. Exercises where you're lying flat on your stomach or back are also good ones to avoid. This may make it sound like you can't do anything, but there are actually many exercises you can do while standing or seated and that are safe to do during pregnancy.

How often to exercise during pregnancy is a common question. Your doctor can help you figure this out as there are several factors to consider. Your exercise habits prior to pregnancy do play a large role, however. Starting a vigorous program now if you didn't exercise before your pregnancy is not a good idea. However, if you had a consistent routine before, you may only need to modify it now. While you need to consider how you feel, a good routine would be three workouts a week that combine light stretching, cardio, and strength training.

There plenty of reasons you should exercise during your pregnancy and you should adhere to a workout designed to your particular situation, unless you have a medical condition that prevents it. It will not only make you feel better and reduce your stress levels, but it has benefits for your baby as well. You can reduce the intensity of back pain and joint issues with body sculpting and weight training, which will also help keep your muscles functioning properly. You will find that doctors routinely recommend to their patients that they exercise regularly for a variety of motives, including the issues presented in this article.

Smoking - Hidden Dangers To Your Unborn Child

Many women know that smoking while pregnant puts their unborn child at risk. However, the complete extent of that risk is probably unknown. Woman who smoke while pregnant put their child at risk for a long list of negative consequences. Inhaling second hand smoke can even cause negative effects on your child. It becomes more about protecting your unborn child than just protecting yourself. There are very many safe methods to use to quit smoking, as well as support systems in place even if you are not directly supported at home. Here are only a few of the possible effects smoking while pregnant can have on your child.

The nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide you inhale while smoking are passed on to your baby. Your baby can then develop a full range of lung complications because of the second hand smoke you pass on to your baby.

There are quite a few complications that can be caused by lung damage. The effects of those chemicals in the blood stream of your baby can cause the oxygen to bind or displace. This oxygen is not only necessary for life it helps the baby develop correctly. One very common problem caused by a mother smoking during pregnancy is low birth weight in their newborn baby. Then, there are additional complications that can arise from low birth weight. Newborns suffering from low birth weight conditions make up more than 20 percent of all births nationwide. A increased risk for preterm delivery is also attributed to smoking during pregnancy.

One study shows a 14% likelihood of preterm delivery caused by smoking. 10 percent of all infant mortality cases including SIDS can be attributed to smoking during pregnancy. According to the American Lung Association this is a true statistic.

While this is a significant side effect there are many others associated with smoking during pregnancy. A few of the other known risks include cerebral palsy, learning disabilities and retardation. The most prevalent and serious risk associated with smoking during pregnancy is infant death.

There is tremendous cause for concern when a mother smokes during pregnancy.

At this time, we don't completely understand the highly negative effects smoking during pregnancy can have on the baby. We've been talking about the consequences for an unborn baby but this issues don't go away after birth. These far reaching consequences can stay with the child far into adulthood. The effects of the dire consequences of smoking during pregnancy can last the child's lifetime. Quitting smoking is vital to the baby and the mother for this reason.

These hints can certainly be invaluable for your needs during and after the pregnancy.